In the Chamber of Deputies, under the auspices of the European Academy of Economic and Cultural Relations, the 65th academic convocation of the prestigious institution AEREC took place. On this occasion, the scientific papers presented by AEREC academicians tackled the topics of healthcare system reform, renewable energy, health, and well-being. The AEREC evaluation committee also approved the awarding of the title of AEREC academician to the new member, based on a highly applauded curriculum and humanitarian activities. The President of the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations, Ernesto Carpentieri, presented Felicia Akkaya as a valuable member of the Academy and established the steps for the transposition of AEREC scientific papers into Romania, especially in the areas where Felicia Akkaya is active: education, healthcare, training, and professional conversion.
"I am very happy to have participated in this event. I am honored for the distinction awarded to me and for representing the interests of Romanians on this occasion. I have represented Romania. The title of academician honours me. Together with my colleagues from AEREC, we will transpose and implement the scientific papers presented by the European Academy from Rome in Romania. During the event, I also took on the implementation of the ROUNIT project, for the repatriation of Romanians living abroad. As I am politically involved, I am a candidate on the AUR list for the European Parliament elections, because it is part of my belief, I will fight to represent the rights of Romanians everywhere. With the support of the AUR party and the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations in Romania, we will create new policies for their benefit," declared Felicia Akkaya.
The European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations (AEREC) was founded as a department of the National Organization for the Promotion of Industry, Trade, and Crafts of Italy, established in 1981, with the aim of promoting the Italian industry in the world through economic and cultural exchanges with international organizations and institutions.
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